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List of Nice Websites and Links
- cobalt - an all-purpose downloader
- Lucida - a tool to download music with
- Dithermark - an online dithering app for images
- Onelook - English dictionary, Extensive thesaurus, semantic search engine
- Monkeytype - a very extensive and fun minimalistic typing test.
- Playlist randomizer - cool website which actually randomizes your youtube playlists - u can watch from there et
- Pages(dot)gay quick easy and gay way to set up a static site - website has docs
- Trope Spinner for the stuck or uninspired writer
- Soulseek - free file sharing network
- Beets(dot)io - music player and organizer
- Yunohost - a debian-based operating system aiming to simplify server administration
- Zoom Earth - an interactive (and almost live) weather map of the whole world
- Obsidian - one of my favourite note-taking apps; supports graphs and inter-linking and folders. Look here for a guide/overview
>Computer Science, Tech world, Mathematics
- Rosalind - A platform for learning bioinformatics through problem solving
- Algorithm Visualizations by Chris Laux
- Huffman Coding website and encoding tool, by Ayman Ydelo
- asc-paint - an ascii art painting program by Jonathan Brodsky
- Cloudhiker - hike through completely random websites around the old and new web!
- Commonmark - proposal for a standard, unambiguous syntax specification for Markdown by a group of Markdown fans - website has tutorials and reference guides
- Calculus made easy - a very good math book about calculus entirely available online
- 17776 - not really a game, but click anyway. trust me.
- ZType - a fun typing game where you vanquish enemy spaceships by typing
- jklm(dot)fun - a place where to play either bombparty (think of a word given a syllable) or popsauce (pop culture quiz)
- Tetris - play Tetris (official website)
- BrantSteele website - ye olde hunger games survivors sim game, among others
- Daily Crosswords - from boatload puzzles
- Worldle - wordle but with country shapes - same website has also links to other fun geography games
- Sporkle quiz with "progressively tougher" world capitals - fun and an opportunity to learn. Here is the random capitals one, and Here is my alltime fav flags-of-the-world one
>Wikipedia Pages - (hover your mouse on these!)
- List of unsolved problems in PhysicsThe following is a list of notable unsolved problems grouped into broad areas of physics.
Some of the major unsolved problems in physics are theoretical, meaning that existing theories seem incapable of explaining a certain observed phenomenon or experimental result. The others are experimental, meaning that there is a difficulty in creating an experiment to test a proposed theory or investigate a phenomenon in greater detail.
- The RCA 1802 COSMAC (Complementary Symmetry Monolithic Array Computer) 8-bit microprocessor familyThe COSMAC (Complementary Symmetry Monolithic Array Computer) is an 8-bit microprocessor family introduced by RCA.
It is historically notable as the first CMOS microprocessor.
- List of angels in theologyThis is a list of angels in religion, theology, astrology and magic, including both specific angels (e.g., Gabriel) and types of angels (e.g., seraphim).
- Sieve of EratosthenesIn mathematics, the sieve of Eratosthenes is an ancient algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to any given limit.
- Rogue PlanetsA rogue planet is an interstellar object of planetary mass which is not gravitationally bound to any star or brown dwarf.
Rogue planets may originate from planetary systems in which they are formed and later ejected, or they can also form on their own, outside a planetary system.
The Milky Way alone may have billions to trillions of rogue planets.
Most isolated planetary-mass objects will float in interstellar space forever.
- Rubber Duck Debugging In software engineering, rubber duck debugging (or rubberducking) is a method of debugging code by articulating a problem in spoken or written natural language.
The name is a reference to a story in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by explaining it, line by line, to the duck.
- Orbital DecayOrbital decay is a gradual decrease of the distance between two orbiting bodies at their closest approach (the periapsis) over many orbital periods.
If left unchecked, the decay eventually results in termination of the orbit when the smaller object strikes the surface of the primary;
or for objects where the primary has an atmosphere, the smaller object burns, explodes, or otherwise breaks up in the larger object's atmosphere;
or for objects where the primary is a star, ends with incineration by the star's radiation.
- The Tollund ManThe Tollund Man (died 405–384 BCE) is a naturally mummified corpse of a man who lived during the 5th century BC.
He was found in 1950, preserved as a bog body near Silkeborg on the Jutland peninsula in Denmark. The man's physical features were so well preserved that he was mistaken for a recent murder victim.
The cause of death has been determined to be by hanging. There is insufficient evidence to determine if the reason for the killing was a ritual sacrifice or a punitive execution.
- Erdős number The Erdős number describes the "collaborative distance" between mathematician Paul Erdős and another person, as measured by authorship of mathematical papers.
- ZinesA zine is a small-circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images.
Zines are the product of either a single person or of a very small group, and are popularly photocopied into physical prints for circulation.
A fanzine is a non-professional and non-official publication produced by enthusiasts of a particular cultural phenomenon (such as a literary or musical genre) for the pleasure of others who share their interest.